Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group
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Posters & Stickers

Waste Rules In India (Hindi)

9R Sticker

Salaam Kabari Poster

Zero Waste Poster

Wastepicker Sticker

Latest Research

Waste of Energy or Waste to Energy?

This Social Impact Assessment of Waste-to-Energy plants in Delhi on informal sector waste recyclers, particularly wastepickers. The study clearly shows that if wastepickers lose their access to waste, which will be diverted to such plants, many more children will slide back into working to augment family incomes. The report offers options to avoid this situation.

Download (PDF, 3790 KB)

Why We Do What
We Do

Bharati Chaturvedi, Founder and Director of Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group in New Delhi, India discusses about her organization and her "Moment of Obligation."

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© Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group, New Delhi, India.